Quella che mi è stata vicina, sempre, anche quando eravamo lontane. Certo, per vicinanza non si intende quella fisica, è quella mentale che conta, quella dell'anima e del cuore.
E più vado avanti, più mi rendo conto che posso fare la roccia finchè voglio, ma non è vero che starei benissimo se abbandonassi tutte le persone che conosco. Potrebbe succedere con tutti, ma con lei no.
La mia amica V.
E' l'unica che potrebbe leggere questo blog senza giudicarmi, che capirebbe ogni singola parola perchè, in un mondo fatto di sottintesi e frasi lasciate a metà per far intendere senza dire tutto, scommetto che anche lei ci è passata. In quasi tutto quello che ho passato anch'io.
A chilometri di distanza, in situazioni diverse, con un'unica ossessione. Il cibo. La dieta. La bilancia. I vestiti. La paura di prendere di nuovo quei chili che stiamo a tutti gli effetti riprendendo.
Parlare al plurale di questa cosa, riferendosi ad una persona reale e non conosciuta dietro un computer, fa quasi strano.
Ma siamo così. Comuni.
Scriviamo pagine della nostra vita insieme da anni. I viaggi passati e futuri, l'università, perfino la Cina. E lei non è affatto lo stesso polo di una calamita, siamo diverse come il rosso e il nero. E anche questa è una diversità comune, che ci porta a vivere insieme.
Se facessi un elenco degli attimi indimenticabili vissuti insieme, non finirei mai di scrivere.
My friend.
The one who's been next to me, always, even when we were far away. Of course, I don't mean physical closeness, it's the mental one that matters, the one of soul and heart.
And the longest I live, the more I realize that I can act like a rock as much as I want, but it's not true at all that I would be ok if I left all the people I know. It could happen for everyone, but not for her.
My friend V.
She's the only one who could read this blog without judging me, who would understand every single word in it because, in a world made of allusions and sentences left unfinished to let you understand without saying it all, I bet that she's lived it all. She's lived almost everything that I've lived.
Hundreds of miles away, in different situations, with a single obsession. Food. Diet. The scale. Clothes. The fear of gaining those kilos that we're actually gaining again.
Speaking of this in the plural, referring to a real person and not one met behind a computer, feels quite strange.
But we're this way. Common.
We've been writing pages of our lives together for years. Past and future trips, university, even China. And she's not the same pole of the magnet at all, we're different from each other like red and black. And even this one is a common difference, which makes us live together.
If I made a list of the unforgettable moments lived together, I would never stop writing.
The one who's been next to me, always, even when we were far away. Of course, I don't mean physical closeness, it's the mental one that matters, the one of soul and heart.
And the longest I live, the more I realize that I can act like a rock as much as I want, but it's not true at all that I would be ok if I left all the people I know. It could happen for everyone, but not for her.
My friend V.
She's the only one who could read this blog without judging me, who would understand every single word in it because, in a world made of allusions and sentences left unfinished to let you understand without saying it all, I bet that she's lived it all. She's lived almost everything that I've lived.
Hundreds of miles away, in different situations, with a single obsession. Food. Diet. The scale. Clothes. The fear of gaining those kilos that we're actually gaining again.
Speaking of this in the plural, referring to a real person and not one met behind a computer, feels quite strange.
But we're this way. Common.
We've been writing pages of our lives together for years. Past and future trips, university, even China. And she's not the same pole of the magnet at all, we're different from each other like red and black. And even this one is a common difference, which makes us live together.
If I made a list of the unforgettable moments lived together, I would never stop writing.

E' bello avere un'amica aldilà del computer con cui condividere questo disagio,anche io l'ho,e all'inizio era strano...ero abituata solo tramite persone conosciute dietro ad uno schermo,ma poi scopri che è bellissimo.
ReplyDeleteUn bacio :*