...there is no way back from here!
Avevo bisogno di un luogo, di uno spazio dove poter scrivere quello che diverse persone non possono sapere. E non c'è sicuramente modo migliore di questo.
E non è qualcosa di brutto, tranne che tutte le cose belle finiscono. E questa è già finita, è durata poche ore.
Avete presente, no, quando vedete un tizio e pensate: "uhm carino"... però poi si rivela montato, saccente, viziato, convinto di essere migliore in tutto, e di aver fatto tutto. E è antipatico, irritante. E poi ti rendi conto che lo è ancora di più perchè potresti applicare tutto quello che pensi di lui a te stessa. In pratica, è la tua versione maschile. Ha un gran cervello, ma lo sfrutta male. E risulta così acido e irritante perchè si vede palesemente che lo fa apposta, che ci si impegna, che magari non lo sarebbe davvero.
E allora dici, ok, ora voglio sapere di più di questa persona. Ma non puoi mostrarlo apertamente, e ricorri a tattiche subdole. Tranne che lui, essendo la tua versione maschile, le afferra all'istante.
E' una specie di connessione mentale, è una figata. E' un botta e risposta di saccenza e acidità che nasconde tutto l'opposto. E' un: "io dico e faccio questo e anche se non ho ragione, se lo dico io è sicuramente giusto" e un: "io ti rispondo l'opposto perchè anche se hai ragione, ho più ragione io".
E poi trovi il modo di mandare tutti a casa e dire: "Ehi, perchè non andiamo a farci uno spino a casa mia?" e passi ore e ore e ore a sviluppare e farti avviluppare dalla connessione mentale, finchè non ti giri e pensi: "Ma sto tizio è proprio un gran figo!"
E stai con lui. Un paio d'ore, eh, poi torni a casa. E fare sesso con la tua versione maschile è una cosa... wow! E' un feeling assurdo, è un unirsi all'altro non solo con il corpo, è una specie di fondersi insieme. E tutti pensano, certo, è così con la persona che ami. Ma il bello è che qui l'amore o altri sentimenti non c'entrano nulla. Tutto ciò succede con una persona per cui non provi NULLA, eppure probabilmente è stato il partner sessuale migliore della tua vita!
E poi torni a casa, ecco, diciamo alle 10.30 di mattina, e la sera lui ti contatta pure. Come a dire, ehi lo so che sei lì e che non vedi l'ora di rivedermi. Ed era vero, ma ehi amico non posso dartelo a vedere, e TU lo sai!
E allora succede che la sera ancora dopo... beh, niente, vado a casa sua, di nuovo, col pretesto dello spino, e lui: "Ma, io pensavo che saresti rimasta a dormire qui"...
dormire qui... dormire qui... dormire qui? Sì, no? Sì... no! Sì.... sì! Ma certo, e te lo chiedi pure!
E poi ha un sorriso così... wow! E lo fate... e lo rifate... e lo rifate! E la connessione mentale, e il film che volevi vedere mentre lui il film non lo guarda, guarda te! E poi lui: "hai fame?" e tu... "io non ho mai fame!"
E porca troia, riesce persino a non farti mangiare! E ti guardi allo specchio e non ti fai più così schifo. E lui mangia, e tu lo guardi e pensi che sia così bello, anche se in realtà lo sai che non ti piacerebbe fisicamente se non aveste questa connessione mentale. E sorride, quando sorride! E poi durante la notte fa un caldo atroce, ma lui ti avvicina e fa: "Ehi, abbracciami che ho freddo!" "Freddo?"
E quando vi svegliate, lui "facciamo colazione" e tu "non ho fame" e lui "ma tu non mangi mai?" (è così bello quando te lo dicono!)
E non c'è nessun sentimento tra voi, zero, niente, neanche vi conoscete! Però... però quando te ne vai lui ti abbraccia e sembra che non ti voglia lasciare. E tu lo guardi, vuoi imprimere ogni particolare nella mente... perchè amica, amico, amici... questo è un addio. Cioè, su, non farmi vedere lo sguardo triste quando mi saluti perchè vedi, io sto facendo ancora la roccia. Metto su i Prodigy a palla, ma si vede che non ci capisco più un cazzo perchè imbocco un senso unico senza accorgermene, tranne che conosco questo posto da quasi 10 anni e so perfettamente che era un senso unico!
E sono una roccia per tutto il giorno, e non dormo, non ho sonno. Non mangio, non ho fame. Ma arriva la sera e sono stanca. E' la stanchezza, sicuramente, non c'è altra possibilità. E' quella che mi fa versare lacrime. Non dire addio al polo opposto della calamita. Non sapere di aver vissuto qualche connessione ultraterrena con una persona che ha fatto parte della mia vita per qualche ora e adesso scomparirà per sempre, nel nulla. No, è la stanchezza che mi impone di chiudermi in posizione fetale e andare a dormire, e annullare i sensi. Per un pò, almeno.
...there is no way back from here!
I needed a place, some room to write what several people must not know. And there's no better way than this.
It's not anything bad, except that all good things end. And this has already ended, it only lasted for a few hours.
Do you know, like, when you see a guy and think: "uhm cute"... but then he's arrogant, a know-it-all, spoilt, he thinks he's the best in anything, and believes he's done anything. And he's nasty, annoying. And then you realize that he's even more of this because you could put anything you think about him on yourself. Basically, he's your male version. He has a great brain, but he doesn't use it well. And he looks so acid and annoying cause you can see that he clearly does it on purpose, he tries hard to do it, but maybe he wouldn't actually be this way.
And so you say, ok, now I wanna know more about this person. But you can't openly show this, and you use subtle ways. Except that he, being your male version, understands them immediately.
It's a kind of brain connection, it's sooo cool. It's a tit for tat with arrogance and acidity which actually hides their total opposites. It's like a: "I say and do this and even if I'm not right, if I say it it's surely right" and a: "I reply the total opposite because if you are right, I'm righter than you".
And then you find a way to make all the others come home and say: "Hey, why don't we go to my place and smoke a joint?" and you spend hours over hours over hours to develop and make yourself enveloped in that brain connection, until you turn and think: "This guy is actually hot!"
And you stay with him. A couple of hours, then you go back home. And having sex with your male version is so... wow! It's an incredible feeling, it's joining the other not only with the body, it's a kind of blending together. And everybody thinks, of course, it happens with the person you love. But the nice thing is that there's no love or other romantic feelings in this. All this is happening with a person you feel NOTHING for, and yet he's probably been the best sex partner of your whole life!
And then you go back home, let's say, at 10.30 in the morning, and that same evening he even contacts you. Like he says, hey I know you're there and you can't wait to see me again. And it was true, but hey man I can't let you see that, and YOU know!
And it happens that the following night... well, nothing, I just go to his place, again, with the joint excuse, and he's: "Well, I thought you would stay here and sleep"...
sleep here... sleep here... sleep here? Yes, no? Yes... no! Yes... yes! Of course, and you're even asking!
And then he has such a smile... wow! And you do it... and you it again... and again! And the brain connection, and the movie you wanted to watch while he's not watching, he's watching you! And then he: "are you hungry?" and you... "I'm never hungry!"
And oh fuck, he even manages to let you not eat! And you look at yourself in the mirror and you don't suck that much. And he eats, and you watch him and think he's so handsome, except that actyally you wouldn't physically like him if you two didn't have that brain connection. And he smiles, and oh when he smiles! And then during the night it's so fucking hot, but he gets closer to you and says: "Hey, hug me, I'm cold!" "Cold?"
And when you wake up, he "let's have breakfast" and you "I'm not hungry" and he "do you ever eat?" (it's so beautiful when they say this to you!)
And there's no romantic feeling between you two, zero, nothing, you don't even know each other! But... but then when you're about to leave he hugs you and it seems like he would never leave you. And you watch him, you want to fix every detail in your mind... cause my friend, friend, friends... this is farewell. Oh, come on, don't let me see those sad eyes when you wave me bye cause you see, I'm still being a rock. I turn the volume up to Prodigy, but you can see I'm not understanding anything anymore cause I go into a one-way road, except that I've been knowing this town for about 10 years and I perfectly knew this was a one-way road!
And I'm a rock for the whole day, and I don't sleep, I'm not sleepy. I don't eat, I'm not hungry. But night arrives and I'm tired. It's tiredness, of course, there's no other possibilty. It's it that makes me shed my tears. It's not saying farewell to the opposite pole of the magnet. It's not knowing that I've lived some kind of beyond-this-world connection with a person who's been part of my life for a few hours only and that will now disappear forever, for real. No, it's tiredness that forces me to curl up in fetal position and go to sleep, and cancel my senses. For a little bit, at least.

I needed a place, some room to write what several people must not know. And there's no better way than this.
It's not anything bad, except that all good things end. And this has already ended, it only lasted for a few hours.
Do you know, like, when you see a guy and think: "uhm cute"... but then he's arrogant, a know-it-all, spoilt, he thinks he's the best in anything, and believes he's done anything. And he's nasty, annoying. And then you realize that he's even more of this because you could put anything you think about him on yourself. Basically, he's your male version. He has a great brain, but he doesn't use it well. And he looks so acid and annoying cause you can see that he clearly does it on purpose, he tries hard to do it, but maybe he wouldn't actually be this way.
And so you say, ok, now I wanna know more about this person. But you can't openly show this, and you use subtle ways. Except that he, being your male version, understands them immediately.
It's a kind of brain connection, it's sooo cool. It's a tit for tat with arrogance and acidity which actually hides their total opposites. It's like a: "I say and do this and even if I'm not right, if I say it it's surely right" and a: "I reply the total opposite because if you are right, I'm righter than you".
And then you find a way to make all the others come home and say: "Hey, why don't we go to my place and smoke a joint?" and you spend hours over hours over hours to develop and make yourself enveloped in that brain connection, until you turn and think: "This guy is actually hot!"
And you stay with him. A couple of hours, then you go back home. And having sex with your male version is so... wow! It's an incredible feeling, it's joining the other not only with the body, it's a kind of blending together. And everybody thinks, of course, it happens with the person you love. But the nice thing is that there's no love or other romantic feelings in this. All this is happening with a person you feel NOTHING for, and yet he's probably been the best sex partner of your whole life!
And then you go back home, let's say, at 10.30 in the morning, and that same evening he even contacts you. Like he says, hey I know you're there and you can't wait to see me again. And it was true, but hey man I can't let you see that, and YOU know!
And it happens that the following night... well, nothing, I just go to his place, again, with the joint excuse, and he's: "Well, I thought you would stay here and sleep"...
sleep here... sleep here... sleep here? Yes, no? Yes... no! Yes... yes! Of course, and you're even asking!
And then he has such a smile... wow! And you do it... and you it again... and again! And the brain connection, and the movie you wanted to watch while he's not watching, he's watching you! And then he: "are you hungry?" and you... "I'm never hungry!"
And oh fuck, he even manages to let you not eat! And you look at yourself in the mirror and you don't suck that much. And he eats, and you watch him and think he's so handsome, except that actyally you wouldn't physically like him if you two didn't have that brain connection. And he smiles, and oh when he smiles! And then during the night it's so fucking hot, but he gets closer to you and says: "Hey, hug me, I'm cold!" "Cold?"
And when you wake up, he "let's have breakfast" and you "I'm not hungry" and he "do you ever eat?" (it's so beautiful when they say this to you!)
And there's no romantic feeling between you two, zero, nothing, you don't even know each other! But... but then when you're about to leave he hugs you and it seems like he would never leave you. And you watch him, you want to fix every detail in your mind... cause my friend, friend, friends... this is farewell. Oh, come on, don't let me see those sad eyes when you wave me bye cause you see, I'm still being a rock. I turn the volume up to Prodigy, but you can see I'm not understanding anything anymore cause I go into a one-way road, except that I've been knowing this town for about 10 years and I perfectly knew this was a one-way road!
And I'm a rock for the whole day, and I don't sleep, I'm not sleepy. I don't eat, I'm not hungry. But night arrives and I'm tired. It's tiredness, of course, there's no other possibilty. It's it that makes me shed my tears. It's not saying farewell to the opposite pole of the magnet. It's not knowing that I've lived some kind of beyond-this-world connection with a person who's been part of my life for a few hours only and that will now disappear forever, for real. No, it's tiredness that forces me to curl up in fetal position and go to sleep, and cancel my senses. For a little bit, at least.